Hash Browns

Mr TBTAM makes a mean batch o’ hash browns. Some people call them home fries. I call them delicious. They’re great with fried eggs for breakfast, or cooked up with some roast beef for dinner (we call that hash). To make it healthier, use olive or canola oil.

The best way to be sure you have will be able to make home fries is to serve baked potatoes for dinner. Cook a few more than you’ll need, and you’ll have the makings of a great breakfast tomorrow.

Mr TBTAM’s Hash Browns

3 baked potatoes, skins on, diced
1/4 cup diced onions
1-2 tbsp vegetable oil
Salt and pepper

Ketchup and/or hot sauce

Heat a frying pan till nice and hot. Add enough vegetable oil to coat the bottom well and heat.

Add potatoes and lower heat to med high. Let sit about 3 minutes or so till bottoms of potatoes are browned. Add onion. Toss. Cook, watching carefully and turning only when the bottoms are browned, about every 3 minutes or so. After most of it is browned, you can toss a bit more frequently to prevent the onions from burning. The trick is not to turn too often and to let the potatoes brown before turning them, otherwise you end up with mashed potatoes.

Season with salt and pepper, remove from heat when perfect and serve immediately with ketchup and/or hot sauce.

4 Responses to Hash Browns

  1. I find that this recipe even works with left over french fries. Jackson Hole has those really big ones that cut up for hash browns just fine.

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