Eight Random Facts Meme

Tagged by Dr Rob on this one. I need to tell you eight random facts about myself. Okay, here goes:

1. The first car I ever owned was a ’64 Valient. You know, the one with a slant 6 engine and manual stick shift on the column. My uncle found the car for my Dad, who bought it for me for $150 so I could drive to my after school job at Kresges. The summer I was a day camp counselor, the kids I drove in the car were embarrassed to be seen in it, which made me love it even more. I kept the car till I moved to New York after college, at which point my friend Shari (The one who slept with Robbie)’s boyfriend offered to keep it for me and basically trashed it.

2. When I was 10, I won a spot on a bus trip to Washington, DC with Wee Willy Weber’s Cartoon Club.

The only parts of the trip I remember are the baloney sandwiches Wee Willy’s wife made for us and the catacombs. I think they are under a church somewhere in DC. (The catacombs,I mean, not the baloney sandwiches…)

3. I sing.

Anything and everything. I took voice lessons for 2 years with the most amazing teacher, Nancy Evers, but stopped because I really didn’t have time. I still practice with my tapes before choral rehearsals and I think my voice is even better than when I was taking lessons. If you are reading this – Hi Nancy! I miss you!

If money were no object, I would quit my job tomorrow and do music. Not that I don’t love what I do, because I do love it. But you have only one life, and there are so many other things to be done… Do you think American Idol will ever raise the age limit? Because if they do, I’m there, baby!

4. I had Hepatitis C. (Type 2b)

I took the pegintron-ribavirin treatment a few years ago. The treatment sucked, but it worked.

5. I have bitten my nails my whole life,

but recently realized that sometime in the last few years, I stopped biting them. Why is that? Do you think this means I will stop overeating soon as well?

6. I do this voice…

My sisters and I can do this duck voice – well, R really invented it, and she taught it to the rest of us. I’ve morphed it into a little kid voice. I can stratify my boyfriends by whether or not they liked the little kid voice. (Mr TBTAM likes it.)

I stopped using the voice for a while shortly after giving birth – the enormity of the responsibility made it seem so childish. But of course it came back. Now I find the voice quite helpful whenever my kids are being mean to me, at which point I cry out – “You haffa’ to be nice to me! I’m your MOM!” It generally works, because they really like the little kid voice.

7. I am allergic to cats and most dogs.

I hate this, and it has ruined many an evening at a friend’s house for me. I used to hate my Dad for not taking us places because they had cats (he was also allergic), but now I understand.

8. I hate Disneyworld.

(So sorry to those of you who love it…) I think my feeling was crystallized the day I was standing waiting for the shuttle bus at the Swan Hotel and there was Muzak coming out of the bushes next to the bus stop. My feeling about this matter do not seem to be shared by the medical meeting organizers, and so I have been to Orlando now 4 times.

But enough about me. Tell me about you.

I don’t know who’s left who hasn’t been tagged on this one, so if you haven’t, consider yourself tagged by me and give us the facts, just the facts…

4 Responses to Eight Random Facts Meme

  1. I hate amusement parks too. They always seem so unhappy but with a coat of brightly coloured paint trying to cover it.

    I’m trying to stop biting my nails — it’s too bad you don’t have some technique you used to stop. I keep telling myself that the nails are a major place for harbouring bacteria, but it’s not working.

  2. Xavier- Actually, I think one reason I don’t bite has to do with the fact that I get manicures once in awhile. Not every week, but at ;east once a month. In between, I get to pick at the polish….

    Bardiac: As I recall, they also get great mileage. Wonder what happened to the old slant six?

  3. I used to bite my nails – then, one day in the middle of pharmacology (first year med school, early ’80s), recognized I had quit. Stress was at a peak, so it took a while to realize it was because I had started to wear lipstick regularly… (It’s still a habit I go back to when super-stressed, so I guess I’m not completely over it!)

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