Sauteed Broccoli

My good friend W taught me how to make this dish while we were vacationing with her family in Maine last summer. She lives in Rome and this is the way she makes broccoli at home. I’m doing this from memory, so I hope I got the ingredients right. We’ll be visiting W and her family in Rome in a few weeks, so I’ll double check the recipe then. Even if I left something out, this was delish!

Sauteed Broccoli wth Garlic, Red Pepper and Croutons

1 head broccoli
5 cloves garlic, chopped
Day old bread
Olive oil
Red Pepper Flakes (Start with 1/4 tsp, add more if you like it hot)
(Optional: Grated Parmesan Cheese)

Wash broccoli, and cut the florets from the head. (If you want to use stalks, trim them and cut into thin slices for quicker cooking.) Cook broccoli in boiling salted water till crisp-tender, but still bright green. Drain well.

Cut bread into small cubes. (1-2 cups of croutons for a head of broccoli) Toss with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Toast in large skillet over low medium heat on top of stove, or in a 400 degree oven till browned, turning several times. Set aside.

Heat 2-3 tbsp olive oil in skillet till hot. Add garlic and cook, stirring constantly, just enough to soften but not brown. Add broccoli and cook, stirring and chopping it up into small pieces with the side of the spoon or spatula while it cooks, till it is soft. Season with salt and red pepper flakes while it is cooking. Add croutons, stir and serve. If you are my daughter, sprinkle parmesan cheese on top.

4 Responses to Sauteed Broccoli

  1. Looks yummy.

    Looking at a particular food always makes me crave it.

    Where’s my broccoli? 🙂

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