Zaftig vs. Hollywood Thin

Dr Deb has a fabulous post on the new Fit Light Yogurt campaign in Brazil, which places ample women in classic Hollywood poses to shame them into losing weight. Problem is, I think it does the opposite – these women look great!

Head on over for more photos and join the discussion, which too is ample…

6 Responses to Zaftig vs. Hollywood Thin

  1. Shruggling says:

    OK, I was with you for the begining, and understand and agree with the blog’s point completely.

    However, this is not just a woman issue. How many guys with beer guts are being made into sex symbols? They aren’t. The sexy men shots are the CK underwear guy, the A&F naked guys, the diet Coke guy…At least woman have plus size stores in an attempt to have fashionable stylings…ever been to a big and tall man’s store? Omar the tent maker does a better job. I am grateful to fit into mainstream clothing (even though I am way bigger than I should be).

    So, I am hoping that the point (or at least one of them) in the blog is not to highlight the pressure that women (specifically) are under to be body-perfect…the ads may prey on women’s self-esteem a bit more then it does for men (we just don’t care as much), but the message for both sides is the same – fit and trim is hot, fat is not.

    Last point, as a medical blog, what is your perspective on the company’s message about weight? Don’t you concur that thinner is healthier, and that yogurt is a great source of protein and active culture? The sex messaage may help to sell it, but in the end aren’t they selling a great product since it helps the person to live a healthier life?

    I am purposefully being provacative (I do that sometimes – not sure if you noticed), but rather than be “outraged” over the sexiness of the thin, female Hollywood model versus the plus size model, shouldn’t we all take a step back and recognize that the yogurt company may just have a really good point?

    Personally, I find it WAY more offensive when McDonalds or some other fast food chain has athletes and beautiful people as spokespersons. That message is that you can be like them if you eat food that ultimately kills you. To me it’s worse because it influences the weak of mind and spirit to think that fast and easy is OK. It’s just not…

  2. We’re trying to get pregant and I’ve been looking for single serving sizes of full fat yogurt – only the large containers exist! I read an article about the Harvard School of Public Health Study correlating low-fat dairy consumption and infertility and that if you’re trying to conceive, to eat two servings of full-fat dairy (cut out fat elsewhere in your diet and switch back to low-fat dairy when you’re not trying to get pregnant). I’ll stick to whole milk and cereal for breakfast.

    Dr. TBTAM – any thoughts on that?

    To Shruggling —

    Although it is only one film — but Seth Rogen in “Knocked Up” is the “squishy” romantic lead. I’d date a guy like him if I was single!

  3. I love it!
    After not shopping in the U.S. for awhile I have noticed that sizes are going down in number – there wasn’t a ‘0’ when I was in high school – I would have qualified (naturally skinny). I wore a ‘5’. My weight is the same and my ‘old’ clothes fit, but now in the U.S. I wear a size or 2 smaller then 10 years ago. Pandering to our need to ‘feel good about ourselves’?

  4. Thanks for pointing out this very interesting post (and 64 comments that follow!) I think that ad campaign is horrible – what would Peter Paul Rubens say?

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