Abortion Politics and Mini-Storage – Strange Bedfellows?

That’s a real billboard up there, one that’s creating a lot of controversy here in Manhattan. I happen to like it, although I wonder how I’d feel if the other side started putting up similar ads.

Manhattan Mini-storage ad’s have been raising eyebrows for some time now. Previous billboards have had such slogans as:

“Your closet’s so narrow it makes Cheney look liberal”

“Your closet’s scarier than Bush’s agenda.”

And my personal favorite –

“Your closet’s so shallow, it makes Paris look deep.”

What do you think? Should Manhattan Mini-Storage be allowed to mix politics and advertising?
(Photo from Gothamist)

10 Responses to Abortion Politics and Mini-Storage – Strange Bedfellows?

  1. I love these slogans! And of course, the company should be able to mix politics with business like this – if someone doesn’t like their slogans, they can do business elsewhere, right?

  2. Fantasic bill board. Of course they can involve politics and pop culture – and should!

    Here are a few of my thoughts for slogans:

    “Your closets are so small they are making size zero look fat”

    “Your closet is directly proportional to GW Bush’s IQ”

    “Your closet is too small for Clay Aiken”

    “Your closet is big enough to fit all of the WMD in Iraq, but too small for your shirts”

    “Your closet is too small for the cock roaches that invade your apartment”

    “Your closets are so small they justify suicide bombings” (OK, admittedly edgy and inappropriate…)

    “Even my closets are calling me fat!”

  3. Take a drive outside of Manhattan. The other side has been putting ads up for YEARS. god bless manhattan mini storage and kenneth cole.

  4. It’s a free country as my dad always used to say. I love the bill boards in Manhattan.
    Even if it is the other side, you have to appreciate the freedom to do so.

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