XO Laptop – First Impressions

My daughter’s XO Laptop arrived today – just one day late for her birthday, not bad delivery timing.

She called me screaming in excitement, and when I arrived home about a half hour later, she opened the door holding the laptop up, with the words “Hi Mom!” written on the screen. She had already made a video, taken a few pictures and figured out where our wireless network was. All I had to do was explain that our network password was in hexadecimal, and she had her Internet up and running.

User friendly start up – Check.

We’re still exploring it, figuring out the tricks to this new interface. Found a writing program, but haven’t figured out where the files get saved to. Fortunately, there is support info on the web, and a community of users is growing.

The only downside so far is that I don’t think the XO will run I-Tunes. There’s a USB port, so the I-Pod should be able to connect. I think a program called Banshee should do the job, but I’ll have to do little learning about Linux to download it and get it working for her. One more job for IT Support-Mom…

I wish we could find out who the kid was that got the laptop we donated – it would have been fun to connect with him/her wherever they are (?Africa maybe).

2 Responses to XO Laptop – First Impressions

  1. Glad to hear that you got yours. e ordered one day after you (after your blog reminded us about the program). We live in Canada so it might be a few more days. No kids in our house (except big ones) we ordered it a a Christmas splurge you can feel good about.

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