That’s right – some sicko blog-pusher has posted a challenge to blog every day for a year, starting New Year’s Day 2008.
The rules for Blog 365 are a bit looser than those for NaBloPoMo. You don’t have to actually write the post on the day you post it, so that you can pile up pre-written posts and feed them out one at a time. Posts can be anything – a photo or video link are fair game.
For a blog addict like myself, Blog 365 is pure heroin. I think I should stay away from it.
But don’t let that stop you from joining the already 465 bloggers who have signed on to the challenge. (It’s always nice to know there are others whose addiction is worse than mine… )
Heroin photo used with permission from the DEA Multimedia Library
Nice — never would have I anticipated an image of white powder the suggests drugs to appear on your blog. (Maybe a pile of flour or sugar, but not illicit stuff.)
That looks like China White heroin. Supposedly more potent (due to higher purity) than Black Tar. Don’t ask how I know.
(and “the” should, obviously, be “that”)
LOL @ Maria. So, Maria, just how do you know?
I don’t quite get the impulse to assign oneself blogging duties. Maybe I’m just lazy, but getting up, doing work, digging snow, whatever, all the day to day things I have to do, seem like enough chores. Why make blogging a chore? But, if it floats some people’s boats, who am I to say!
Maria –
Although both flour and sugar are equally addicting…:)
Bardiac –
I agree. This is supposed to be fun, right?
Although if anyone is up to the challenge, I would say you are. You write almost every day already.
Happy New Year to you both!
I must have taken a ‘nasty pill’ this morning…and, admittedly I have had a frustrating computer day, but my first thought was ‘That’ll really clog up my reader’…
I’ll play nice… I’m going to get my wine now~
Do you have any advice on how to manage this? Do you plan to mix just food entries, with medicine?
No way am I doing this 365 thing. Thought it was way too much. 🙂
If you are doing it, though, I would pile upm posts on my free days and feed them out one day at a time.
Happy New Year!