Paint Color Heaven

Well, we found the perfect paint color. It’s Benjamin Moore’s Richmond Gold. We bought a quart tonight and painted a whole wall and I love it! Look how it matches the gold in the pillows!
And don’t worry – it’s not too dark. The apartment is full of light in the daytime, and we have these big wide beams on the walls that will be painted a rich cream for contrast. Besides, on most of the walls there will be so much stuff hanging that you probably won’t even see the paint.

Only issue – Mr TBTAM’s cost and environmentally-friendly flourescent lightbulbs make it look green, so we’re staying with incandescent bulbs in this room. He’s not happy about it, but our marriage will suffer significantly if I have to look at green tinged gold…

I promise I will post photos of the entire place when it’s done. Thanks to all for your support and suggestions. This was a tortuous process.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled blog…

See the finished Paintjob here.

9 Responses to Paint Color Heaven

  1. check your local big hardware store… they are making daylight colored compact fluorescents now. Expensive, but might be a great meeting point between saving the planet and saving the marriage!

  2. The daylight-colored CFLs are a major improvement We use them to take pictures of things for the blog/website/etc, and they look fabulous.

    I just wish you could find a 5500K CFL with a dimmable ballast. I live for the dimmer switch. . . it’s easier than dusting or finding more attractive friends.

    I agree – the color looks great!


  3. For Rachel’s sixteenth b-day she asked for her room to be re-painted. We too made several(I’d say too many) trips to Janovic Plaza.
    She decided on Turmeric and Raisin. The window shades were cranberry/burgundy, from the previous pink-theme room, and the challenge was to find a paint color to match so that we didn’t need to replace them. We replaced the tie-die pink bedding with burgundy and brown.
    We are ALL very happy. And the room has taken on a new personality.
    Our guests all want to stay in her room. The golden walls seem to draw people in. You’ll see, it’s very inviting.

  4. I love this! I asked Husband for a Benjamin Moore Affinity color wheel for Christmas. I can hold the colors up to my very yucky walls and dream. Now if only I could find the money to do a complete home makeover!

    BTW, the mushroom streudel photo made me salivate. 🙂

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