I’m Still Here

Just a quick postcard to let y’all know I’m still alive and kicking.

Had a very packed week touring colleges in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois, then to our cottage for some R&R – that’s re-decorating (post and photos coming) and relaxation.

Gained back a few pounds while eating road food on the college trip, but have lost most of it again biking this week (a total of 48 miles, some on the Pine Creek Trail and the rest riding loops around the lake). Very much looking forward to getting back on the delivered food plan when I return this week for a few days so I can knock off some more serious weight.

I’ve started a few posts, but nothing is ready for publication yet. In the meantime, I’ve been catching up on my blog reading. I’m especially looking forward to listening to Dr Ramona Bate’s interview on the Dr A show (sorry I missed it live.). I also found out that Linda has published her book (Congrats! I can’t wait to read it.), Kevin, MD has published a fabulous editorial in USA Today (Thanks, Kevin, for being our voice in the mainstream media), Dinosaur Doc is still ranting (I happen to agree with her on this one…) and Dr Val has been admitted to the National Press Club (Congrats, Dr Val!).

On a more serious note, I learned that Paul Levy has really ugly feet, and not all of his readers are happy he posted a photo. In case any of those commenters also read my blog, here’s what I have to say about that –

Have a great end of summer, and see you in September!



10 Responses to I’m Still Here

  1. ah, the college tours — they lead inexorably to the dreaded college applications. and in a year, you’ll be sniffling at the doorstep of a dorm someplace, trying to say goodbye without flooding the immediate vicinity.

    kevin MD’s op/ed is great. so is dr. dino’s rant — even if i only have a lay understanding of the medical particulars, i’ve seen this dynamic in action with older relatives who have been hospitalized, and it is a freaking mess.

    the foot photos are terrific! i’m particularly tickled by medical professionals getting freaked out about seeing a distinguished colleague’s feet.

  2. Another layperson who liked the dinasours rant. I once checked into an ER on a Saturday AM unable to move right leg, arm or side of face. They decided I had a heart problem and didn’t call a neurologist until Monday, but did call a cardiologist who billed four figures for tests since my heart beat was ‘irregular’. As my personal MD diagnosed it ‘you were scared shitless’.

    I don’t like posters who critises as ‘anonymous’. If you won’t put your name on what you say, don’t say it.

  3. Similar happened with me. I was playing basketball. One of the games, I jump up for the pass and tried to get the ball in the basket at the same time. I was in the air. I landed on the floor, and heard cracks. I looked down and guess what I saw? I saw the bottom of my feet. I didn’t feel pain, because I was in shock. Anyways I went to the doctor did an x-ray. the doc told me that it was just sprained. Next day I got me a pair of crutches, and was walking on crutches. In the middle of the day, doc calls me. She tels me that my ankles are broken. from that day, I do not believe doctors.

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