Pubic Hair Dye

That’s right. It’s called Betty – Color for the Hair Down There”. Its the solution to that vexing problem faced by greying gals, redheads and bottle blondes who get outed when intimacy reveals their true colors.

I’m surprised someone didn’t come up with this idea sooner. Too bad they didn’t, because I suspect pubic hair dye is a product idea that’s come a bit late to the market. My own market research on the latest trends among women in styling of that area would suggest that there’s not much hair left down there to dye…

But let’s just say you’re a bit behind the times in that area, and feel the need to coordinate your colors. Should you consider Betty?

Is Betty Safe?

The manufacturer claims the product is “specially formulated to avoid irritation”, has natural ingredients with flowery herbal names, and “no ammonia or parabens”. But Betty does contain PPD – that’s paraphenylenediamine, the chemical found in almost all hair dyes. PPD is listed as high hazard on the Cosmetic Safety Database and is the ingredient responsible for most allergic skin reactions to hair color. PPD-enhanced henna tatoos can cause extremely severe skin reactions.

Pubic hair borders on some very sensitive areas of the body. The hair near the midline comes precariously close to the mucosal surfaces of the inner labia – skin that is almost like the inner surface of the lips on your mouth. This kind of skin would be much more permeable to the chemicals found in hair dye and certainly more likely to be irritated.

My advice would be to avoid this product.

Don’t Dye For Me

And please, please, don’t think about dying your pubic hair to impress your doctor, as Ralph seems to have done…

I love it! I have salt and pepper hair and a gray beard. Some grey down there and now it’s black. I can’t wait to shower at the health club or go to my doctor for a check up. I know he won’t say anything but he will think Wow hair so black down there. – Ralph (testimonial from Betty website)

We docs don’t care what color your pubic hair is.


18 Responses to Pubic Hair Dye

  1. Yup, I have actually seen this stuff on store shelves before. I am sure our own “Ricky’s” (New York’s beauty-everything supply store) carries it, right? When I saw it, my first thought was, “Oh my, and I am sure people will buy it…” Yikes!! I guess I should warn my gyn and urologist friends that this product really is out there and within the public’s reach.

  2. Why would anyone who is worried that the carpet doesn’t match the drapes risk the irritation of these harsh chemicals when the tried-and-true MERKIN is available? A “merkin” is a pubic wig that has been around for centuries.

    Available in all colors, the merkin is the perfect way to hide those little imperfections. Paste one on and look oh-so-natural. You’ll be able to rejoin your favorite nudist colony.

    Dial up

    Haven’t tried it myself, but a couple more doses of hair-shedding chemotherapy and I just might find the need.

    Comedy Writer Jerry Perisho
    Author: “I Barf, Therefore I Am: A Sensitive Comedy Writer’s Relationship with Cancer”

  3. Really true before using this kind of products we should confirm the ingrediants and formula which should not effect the skin and health

  4. I actually think that there’s just something wrong with a society that places so much emphasis on pubic hair (or lack thereof), colouring it, waxing, manscaping etc…I just know that it’s not much fun to have girls going through puberty at the moment. Even though they’ve certainly never seen porn (to my knowledge), public hair care is apparently much talked about in grade 8 recess these days. *sigh*

  5. Ralph is hilarious. I was just having a conversation with a friend yesterday as to why we have a hard time accepting our changing bodies. I am currently letting my natural hair color return (on the top of my head, my pubics have always been natural) and I love it.

  6. Oh, yay, a whole new thing to worry about. Except not.

    As a culture, we in the US are so totally obsessed with policing everyone’s body, aren’t we?

    I had an ophthalmologist lecture me about my eyebrows once. Yes, evidently he thought a 20-some year old woman needed to hear what he thought was appropriate for eyebrow plucking. I’m willing to guess that he’d have felt equally empowered to lecture me about his pubic hair preferences if he’d seen mine.

  7. I hear a parody song coming on…

    OBS Housekeeper – you ready for the challenge? I am traveling all week, but will no doubt have time for this effort.

    To the music “On My Own” from Fame,the musical:

    “When I’m down and feeling blue, I reach for the dye and make my pubes blue too…” (Clearly I need OBS Housekeeper…)

  8. Yikes!! Reminiscent of the time a few months back when I found myself reading a lengthy discussion in the comments at Aetiology about the hazards of the Brazilian…why people fuss so much over these things, I’ll never understand, and I’m sure there are plenty of docs out there who probably wish people would worry more about things like proper diet and getting enough exercise instead of the “beauty” of their nether regions.

  9. In college I once dated a girl with Cerulean blue…umm yea, it matched the stripes in her hair.

    It was the 80’s after all.

  10. Okay Schruggling – I hear your parody challenge and have accepted it!

    To the tune of “I Saw Her Standing There” (with apologies to Lennon and McCartney)

    She turns 35 today
    And she’s prematurely gray
    She is way too young – this really isn’t fair
    She always wished that she was a redhead – ooooohhh
    Now she is but just – down there

    Well she plucked and she trimmed
    But the grays kept coming in
    It was getting old and required too much care
    But then came the day she found Betty – oooohhh
    And now there’s no more gray down there

    Well her heart skipped a beat
    No more Nair no more Neet
    As she held onto that bottle of dy-eeeeeee

    So she has no more grays
    And she can match Valentine’s Day
    Betty’s shade of red is way beyond compare
    No doubt she’ll be green for St. Patty’s – ooohh
    At least she’ll be green down there.

    – OBS Housekeeper

  11. I went through a phase of wanting matching “cuffs and collars”….I just used the leftover from doing the hair on my head. I only colored “up front”. I gave up—too much effort. Besides, I honestly don’t believe guys are looking THAT closely.

  12. I think betty is fun. Its something new out there to try. I don’t pamper my down there for anyone but myself and perhaps the person i am sleeping with. But sometimes its just fun to change it up. Why do people dress up? Because sometimes alittle change can be nice 😉 They have all these colors that go beyond just natural like pink and blue.

  13. I think betty beauty products are great and for those out there worried about harsh chemicals down there, i wouldnt worry. I saw the show The doctors and they spoke about how safe betty was becaause of the natural ingredients and they dont use harsh chemicals so why not try it!!!

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