My New York Beauty

When I decided to sent RL Bates an antique quilt square this summer, I was not expecting anything in return, just the joy of having an excuse to sort through and touch all the wonderful old pieces of fabric I found sitting on a folding table at the Eagles Mere Antique Fair one gorgeous summer day.

To my surprise and joy, RL responded by making me my very own quilt! ( Go and see it, then come back.)

The quilt is based on a pattern called “New York Beauty”, which is apparently one of the more difficult patterns for a quilter to execute. Thought to have been first made sometime in the 1840’s, the pattern is a radiating crescent that immediately brings to mind the crown on the Statue of Liberty. Of course, that statue was not created until 1876, which makes the similarities between the pattern and the statue even more fascinating to me, as if it’s creator somehow knew that this quilt design would hold meaning for centuries to come.

Now, I have my New York Beauty to hang on the wall as a continual reminder of our Lady of Liberty and of the promise we have made, and I think sometimes forgotten, to the world. I am also reminded of the wonderful friend I have never even met who has been so generous with her time and talents and made me this wonderful quilt.

Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

5 Responses to My New York Beauty

  1. That quilt is lovely! Your mention of Eagles Mere prompted me to leave a comment, as I’m a medical student finishing up a rural rotation in the town of Laporte, PA. Eagles Mere is just a town or so over. I’ve been reading your blog for some time now, and find it quite enjoyable. I’m a fourth year medical student going into ob/gyn and I stumbled upon your page through some avenue or other. Anyway, your posts are entertaining and inspiring! Nothing much exciting to say 🙂

  2. RL –

    You’re welcome!

    Karina –

    Great time of year to be in the Endless Mountains – I’m jealous you get to see all the leaves changing…

    Bardiac – You should see it in person – the blues are amazing!

  3. Hello my name is Merle Dean Shamblin and I would like to be your new friend. I sure could use somebody to chat with. I am a 47 year old long haul truck driver who currently lives in Duncan Oklahoma. Dec 8th 1960 I was born in Fairview Oklahoma. Moved to Caddo and Washita counties where I attended school at Colony Hydro and Weatherford. My parents Malvin and Wanda Shamblin were cotton and peanut farmers. Dad died in 99 from lung cancer. Graduated from SWOSU with a business degree. My two sisters are LaDonna Hubert and Malva Burrahm. Dennis is my brother. I have been a truck driver for 14 years and have driven 2 million paid miles. I have received many safe driving awards over the years. I am single and have never been married. I have a wide range of interests and am pretty much an open book. Currently I drive a 2006 Freightliner for a major carrier. I dont go to Canada very often. I dont have a dedicated route so I run the entire lower 48. I enjoy reading cinema music sports travel etc. I am gay and versatile.

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