London Diary, Day 1 – The Little Things

One of the most enjoyable things about traveling, aside from seeing the sights and meeting the people, are the little things that make life in a different country feel, well – different.

Those wacky electrical outlets.

That cool radiator in the bathroom. (Could it also be a towel warmer?)

The electic tea kettle.

The under-counter washer-dryer combo, which would be perfect in my tiny NYC kitchen. (Although it takes 2-3 hours to finish a very small load of laundry.)

And the built in wine racks in the fridge.

These are the little joys of travel that make every minute special. Minutes that in our normal lives pass us by as we make that morning cup of coffee the same way for the thousandth time, turn on the shower, half-asleep, or absently swipe a metro card while heading onto the subway.

You don’t swipe cards here, by the way. You touch them to a sensor.

And did I mention the practically empty ladies room at intervals (that’s London-speak for intermission) at the theater tonight?

Actually, that’s not a little thing. That’s a really big thing.

4 Responses to London Diary, Day 1 – The Little Things

  1. I have a similar radiator in my shower room. It doubles as a towel rail.

    My electric kettle, however is way cooler, as it filters the water before boiling it!

    As for the washer/driers, had one, it really wasn’t up to much being both slow and inefficient. I now have regular sized ones, and being too big for my little kitchen, are in a special unit in my shower room.

    Anyhoo, welcome to London, TBTAM, when I’m in Manhattan, I too enjoy the differences, particularly your dinky baths.

  2. TBTAM,

    While the towel warmer provides a tremendous luxery when you get out of the shower should you think in advance to wrap your towels on it, all too often the bathrooms are small, and those heat racks can also really hurt when you back into them due to the lack of space! I have lanced my back (ok, back side too) more than once!

    Have a great time and Happy New Year!

  3. I have an electric tea kettle too, in my apartment in NYC and in LI. They’re quick and fabulous. Mine’s white!!

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