More IKEA Lamp Love

It’s like having your second child. You can’t imagine there’s room in your heart to love another lamp as much as you love those two matching 365+ Lunta lamps in your den.

Then you fall in love with this gorgeous Alang floor lamp you got to replace the broken lamp in your office. The shade is a gorgeous basket weave, the height is adjustable, and it takes a regular incandescent bulb. (I hate halogens and the new energy saving fluorescents make me depressed…)

We’ll see how long it lasts, but at only $39.99, if it makes it through a year I’ll be happy. It feels pretty solid though, so I’m betting on it for the long haul.

I like the shade so much, I may just do what this Ikea hacker did, and buy another to make me some pendant lamps for over the dining room table.

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