Jack Black Gets a Mammogram

A very funny, if utterly simplistic message from the Men for Women Now Facebook campaign, which uses male celebs to urge women to get mammograms and pap smears.

Despite the controversy over the new mammogram guidelines, it is acknowledged that the test remains under-utilized among women who should have the screening, particularly minorities and women in medically under-served areas. In addition, most cervical cancers occur in women who fail to get Pap smears. So the goal of getting these women to screening is a noble and important one.

Unfortunately, the nuances of cancer screening decisions get lost with these kind of mass marketing campaign. Not to mention the blurred demographic targeted when these guys are used to deliver the message.
Still, I gotta’ say I love Jack Black, who in my opinion is one of the most talented human beings on the planet.

5 Responses to Jack Black Gets a Mammogram

  1. Personally I found those TV public service messages advising men to encourage women in their lives to get pap smears or mamos very patronizing.

    Is it really believable that husbands, fathers, brothers or sons would have more concern for the importance of gynecological or mamo screenings than the women themselves?

    I would say in reality it's the women in the family that have to drag the male members by the ear to the doctor's office even for serious health issues.

  2. In this day and age of astronomical co-pays (a family shelling out $3500 or more before their "health insurance" kicks in) I see women foregoing simple screenings to save money.

    And there's always – I don't have time, There's nothing wrong with me, What I don't know won't hurt me (my mother's favorite),I'll get around to it, etc.

    If Jack Black can encourage a few guys to encourage the women in their lives to get screening,more power to him.

    P.S. – Dr. Peggy, thanks very much for your last post on the new mammogram guidelines. I've shared that with family and friends!

  3. James, I am so sorry that you cannot see the amazing talent of Jack Black. He is a musical genius.

    But, I digress. I am tired of hearing the "it hurts too much" excuse from women regarding mammograms. We are blessed to live in an age where sophisticated diagnostic tools are available to us. Suck it up, grow up and get the mammogram ladies!

    – OBS Housekeeper

  4. Be really careful with mammograms. I don't have them and anyone making an appointment for me would have to call and cancel it.
    The risks and limited benefits have finally filtered down to women in the UK. Why are we always the last to know? How dare these people conceal risk from us and mislead us.
    I have found one unbiased assessment of breast screening that I'd recommend to any woman considering mammograms.
    US women are faced with excess across the board and that's really harmful. The revised guidelines are a start and hopefully, will reduce the huge number of unnecessary biopsies and treatments you face every year.
    If you go to the Nordic Cochrane Institute website, you'll find, "The risks and benefits of mammograms". The piece was prepared after the Institute criticized the information provided to women…inadequate and misleading.
    That should never happen…after all, cancer screening is always optional and offered to a healthy man or woman…so information on risks and actual benefit is really important.
    Sadly, many behave like screening is a law for women. It's not…a decision not to screen for any cancer is never wrong…as long as it's an informed decision.
    At this point that's only possible doing your own research.
    I've never understood why it's acceptable to pressure women into screening with no honest information and no regard for her personal wishes or risk profile.
    I totally disagree with it and thankfully, so does my Dr!

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