Phils vs Yanks

I’m from Philly, and I love New York. And now, both my teams are playing one another.

This must be how Mr Williams feels when Serena’s playing Venus in the finals. I wonder how he handles it?
Certainly not the way my father used to handle it when we kids set at one another fighting. He’d grab a shock of hair on each of our heads and bang our noggins together. (Not hard, just enough to get our attention…)
Go Phils! Go Yanks! Whoever wins, I’ll be proud. Now get out there and have fun!
Or I’ll knock your heads together.

5 Responses to Phils vs Yanks

  1. You should be more proud of your Philadelphia roots if you look at the New York Post this morning. For shame – we Philadelphians have been gracious fans, allowing only the occasional boo at A-Rod when he was striking out in our park. But to photoshop the face of Pedro Martinez onto a diapered baby? Come on New York…play fair..
    and GO PHILS! 🙂

    XO, OBS Housekeeper

  2. OBS, I am shocked by your being shocked. New York does low-road very, very well!

    The Phillies are not such stand up citizens either. Let's not forget the chant with A-Rod…"you did steroids" as he came to bat, and let's not forget that the Phillies hit him 3 times at at bat in three straight games. Maybe we should get Judge Seamus in this stadium, too!

    We are a divided household. While we live in the Philadelphia area, my wife and I grew up as Yankees fans in NJ. My kids, however, are all in for the Phillies. It's been somewhat civil, but my boys love to go low-road when they can.

    With that said though, I would be proud of Philly if they were able to go back to back, and against the Yankees on top of it. They have certainly played very well.

  3. Dear Schruggling,

    If we Philly fans chanted "YOU DID STEROIDS" to A-Fraud,er, I mean A-Rod, perhaps it is because HE DID!

    Peace Out,
    OBS Housekeeper

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