Central Park Conservancy Garden


Most tourists don’t make it above 72nd St, and so they never see one of Central Park’s most special spots – The Conservancy Garden.

Central Park Conservancy Garden 2

My favorite times to visit the garden are right about now, when the trees and tulips are in bloom and in early summer when the wisteria blossom.

Central Park Conservancy 4

But anytime is the right time to enjoy this oasis of quiet beauty and sweet dignity in the city.  (Also a  bathroom with no lines…)

Central Park Conservancy Garden 3

It’s even more special if you visit the garden with two very dear friends, as a little detour on your bike ride around the Central Park Loop.


Add in a pre-ride coffee with the girls at the Columbus Circle park kiosk and a  stop to watch the guys play ball at the Heckscher Fields in the south park,

Ballgame central park

then convince MR TBTAM (who skipped the ball game that day so he could run errands – what was he thinking?…) to bike over and join you all for a post-game/post-ride lunch at the Ballfields Cafe, and I would say that you have had one very perfect Sunday outing.

The Truth About Mammograms

NYTImes cover

A  breast cancer survivor takes a long hard look at the myths and realities of mammography.

I used to believe that a mammogram saved my life.

Bottom line – Mammography is not perfect, and like all screening tests, has risks as well as benefits.  Mammograms lower breast cancer morality by 15%, but at a cost of over-diagnosis, and some believe, over treatment of cancers detected by screening that may never had caused death in the first place.  This is most evident in the increasing use of mastectomy to treat DCIS, a non-invasive form of breast cancer that is readily detected by mammography.

A must read for every woman considering having a mammogram.


More on mammograms –

Inspiration – It’s Never Too Late

Sorry for absence of blog posts of late. (It’s called a day job…)

For now, here’s a little bit of inspiration from one of my fave movies of all time, Camp. It’s for those of us of a certain age wondering if their time has passed. (It hasn’t.) Watch the whole thing -the best part is at the end.

Outside my house is a cactus plant they call the century tree.
Only once in a hundred years, it flowers gracefully.
And you never know when it will bloom.

Hey! Do you wanna come out, and play the game?
It’s never too late.

While I’m at it, here’s another blast of energy from Camp. (Did I say how much I adore this movie?)

Non-Invasive Fetal Chromosome Testing – Confirm Results Before Acting on Them

This well-written article in todays WSJ should be required reading for expectant parents considering prenatal testing to identify chromosomal abnormalities in their child.  New testing that identifies placental (fetal) chromosomes in the maternal bloodstream is being advocated as a safe alternative to more invasive testing such as CVS or amniocentesis, with the additional advantage of being available as early as 10 weeks.  But, false negative and false positive results can and do occur.

In one case published online by the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, a positive result from one of the new tests—together with preliminary results from another less-precise invasive measure—prompted a patient to terminate her pregnancy without undergoing a confirmatory amniocentesis. Testing of tissue from the aborted fetus showed the pregnancy was normal, the report said.

Though companies say patients should confirm positive results with invasive procedures, such case studies show “that message isn’t driven home enough,” said Athena Cherry, director of Stanford University Medical Center’s cytogenetics laboratory. In her lab, Dr. Cherry said she had found four out of six positive results for Trisomy 18, or Edwards syndrome, which the tests also detect, appeared to be false alarms after follow-up testing.

Bottom line – No test is perfect.  Abnormal antenatal blood chromosome results should be confirmed with amniocentesis before acting on them.


ACOG Committee Opinion and Press Release on Noninvasive Prenatal Screening with Cell Free DNA

See Starbuck

I was not expecting to like Starbuck when I agreed to see it with my husband and daughter last week at the Angelika theater here in NYC. I was expecting something cute, predictable and borderline stupid. And if this movie had been made in the USA, we all agreed that my prediction would have been right.

But this French-Canadian comedy about a former sperm donor who learns that he has fathered over 500 children turned out to be one of the best movies I’ve seen this year.

The ethical issues around sperm donation are complex, and while “Starbuck” touches on them, they are not what the movie is about. It’s about how learning he is a father 533 times over changes the life of David Wosniak, a meat delivery guy with a less than bountiful indoor pot garden, a drug dealer after his money, a pregnant girlfriend and a cadre of brothers who have his number but love him anyway.

Initially in denial and wanting to keep his identity secret from the 142 children who have petitioned the court to find out who he is, Wosniak eventually settles into fatherhood by becoming a sort of guardian angel to his many, many children. He is surprised to discover that the rest of the world, including his girlfriend, does not share his joy in discovering what he has done.  Their anger of course is misdirected, for it is the fertility business that bears the responsibility for the fact that there are  so many individuals living in this world who are ignorant not only of their genetic makeup, but of the fact that they are related.

This is not a perfect movie. As Stephen Holden of the NY Times points out, other than Wosniak’s girlfriend, women are mysteriously absent – I kept wondering where his lawyer’s wife was – and the families of Wosniak’s offspring are non-existent

as to imply unintentionally that David’s children sprang full-blown from the plastic cups into which he deposited his sperm while ogling girlie magazines.

But its imperfections, like those of the lovable David Wosniak, did not diminish the gentle joy of this movie, which left us simultaneously laughing and crying by the time it was over.  My sister and her daughter had the same reaction when they saw Starbuck at our recommendation a few days later.

Starbuck works, I think, because the actors, especially Patrick Huard, kept it all so real. That’s something that will likely be lost when Hollywood does the American remake with Vince Vaughn.

So before that happens, do see this movie. 


More on Sperm Donors and their Children

Celia. A Review.


I had an opportunity to view the first episode of a You Tube Series called Celia . It’s about a female Ob-Gyn, played by Alison Janey, one of my favorite actresses. In the first episode, Celia’s friend’s daughter Hannah (Dakota Fanning), almost age 18, presents to her office requesting an abortion.

Celia’s reaction to Hanna away is a bit un-professional, and, in my opinion, not quite believable. Most of us Ob-Gyns have provided confidential reproductive care to friends and family. Given her age, this would not have been the first time Celia had been approached by a young woman she knows on a sensitive issue. Her annoyed response to Hannah is just not believable, especially given her prior clinical experience providing abortions to teens.

Although Celia’s initial reaction might be discomfort with the situation, I would have expected her to quickly settle into her professional routine with this girl. Our routine is what we docs use to handle tough situations – it’s a safe place to go and something to do while we process (or avoid thinking about) what is going on internally. Celia would have done that – asking clinical questions, maybe even doing an exam before getting to the tough issue of whether she will provide this abortion or refer Hannah elsewhere.

The implication that the doc is known among the teen community as providing abortions without notifying their parents – also not quite believable in this day and age. Maybe I’m just a naive New Yorker who doesn’t get the reality of abortion restrictions elsewhere in the US, but I think that there is no way this character would have risked her license this way, especially in what sounds like a close professional community in a rather small town. More likely, she would have been able to refer her to an out of state reliable provider or convinced her to get parental permission, especially as she knows the parents and could act as an intermediary for Hanna in this regard.

I found Alison Janey, as always, to be a fabulous. (I loved her in West Wing)

Bottom line – Celia is an interesting, if not exactly realistic You Tube series. I’ll be watching subsequent episodes to see how it plays out.  (If there are any – this premier was in October.)

Lemon Fennel Ribs with Fennel Slaw and Roasted New Potatoes

Lemon fennel ribs with roasted potatoes and fennel slaw

What a week it’s been!

Sunday night dinner at the home of Emmy Award winning Homeland casting director Judy Henderson (an event worthy of it’s own blog post, so stay tuned, and thanks again Ronnie for the invite!).

Monday meeting with Frank and Larry to discuss our upcoming ethics paper (Larry, you are brilliant!), lunch with Marty (I think we hatched a patentable idea), then Monday evening our first rehearsal for the Weill Cornell Music and Medicine Spring Choral Performance (Bach mass in G Major), followed by a quick dinner with Susan at Aureole (great burgers) and the late show of Songs for  New World (My class is performing it in a few weeks and I needed to be inspired. I was! Thanks again, Susan, for staying up late with me on a work night.)

Wednesday a long walk through the Central Park to weekly rehearsal with the Collegiate Singers  (Our spring concert is in early May – an ode to St Cecelia).

Thursday dinner (All you can eat mussels at Bistro 61) with dear friend Annette and her brilliant husband Arthur, whose detective work on Aristalochic acid induced nephropathy continues to amaze and inspire me.

Last night was woodshedding Songs for a New World for musical theater class, and today we actually did our first run through! (Of course, I’m still not off book, so there’s that..)

In between, I saw my patients as usual and even got all my charts done and calls returned before Friday afternoon was over.

Don’t ask me how it happened  or how I did it all – I have no idea. Actually, I do. I committed to things months in advance and then all those commitments colluded. But I had plenty of energy all week long – maybe the three days home sick the week before (?was it really the flu?) helped – I think I needed all that sleep! I also have started exercising more regularly, and that definitely energizes me.

And of course, there’s caffeine. I had given it up the week before, but by Wednesday this week I was back on. But just one cup a day. (I had been drinking three.) I’m going to try to get off again next week.

Mr TBTAM and daughter were just as busy as I was this week, and tonight was actually the first night in 8 days that we were all home for dinner. I needed to make something worthy of the occasion.  Luckily, I had this great little book of Classic Home Recipes from The Chicago Tribune, sent to me for review last week, where I found this wonderful recipe for Lemon Fennel Ribs.  While this meal may not have been a classic in the past,  it is now for us. It was delicious!

Now I’m off to bed early – I’m looking forward to spending tomorrow writing the ethics paper and the patent proposal, with maybe a break for a mani-pedi – I deserve it!

Lemon Fennel Ribs


Modified from a recipe in  Classic Home Recipes from The Chicago Tribune.  This is a rib rub, meant to be used with grilled ribs. Of course, no way I was grilling on this snowy wet March evening, so I modified the preparation. I was nervous these would be too dry, but they were not!

  • 12 pork ribs
  • Grated rind of two lemons
  • 1 tbsp sea salt
  • 1 tbsp coarsely ground black pepper
  • Olive oil

Heat 1 tablespoon fennel seeds in a small skillet set over medium heat until fragrant, about 1 minute. Grind in a mortar or pulse in the spice grinder till powdery. Transfer to a bowl; stir in salt, pepper and lemon rind.

Rince ribs and pat dry. Coat on all sides with the rub, place in a glass dish and marinade for 30 mins.

Preheat oven to 450 degrees fahrenheit. Brush a small roasting pan with olive oil and arrange the ribs in it. Cover with foil and bake at 450 for 30 mins. Remove foil and place pan under broiler for 10-15 mins, stopping halfway through to turn the ribs.

Serve with fennel slaw and roasted rosemary potatoes (recipes below). A nice size dollop of sheep’s milk yogurt on the plate provides a cool contrast.  Serves 4.

fennel slaw


Modified from a recipe in Classic Home Recipes from The Chicago Tribune. I used red instead of Savoy cabbage, replacing the grapes with golden raisins, and using brown instead of white sugar in the dressing.

  • 1 medium head of cabbage
  • 1 small fennel bulb
  • 1 granny smith apple, peeled
  • 1/4 cup golden raisins
  • Juice of two lemons
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 2 tsp coarse brown mustard
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp fresh ground pepper

Peel the outermost leaves off the cabbage, cut out the white core and slice very thin and place in a large bowl. Trim the outer fennel leaves and cut off the stem and base. Grate on the large blade of the grater, then add to the cabbage. Grate the apple down to the core, discard the core, and add the grated apple to the cabbage. Add the raisins. Whisk the remaining ingredients in a bowl; adjust the seasoning by adding sugar or olive oil if needed. Toss with the cabbage, fennel, apple and raisin mixture and serve.


  • 2 pounds of small new potatoes, scrubbed, dried and cut in half.
  • 2  tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp fresh rosemary leaves, coarsely chopped
  • Sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Toss all the ingredients in a bowl, the spread the potatoes out in a broiler pan. Bake at 450 for 30 mins, turning half way. (You can roast them at the same time you bake the ribs). Remove from oven and cover pan with foil to keep warm while the ribs broil. Serve atop the fennel slaw as described above.

Sauteed Brussels Sprouts w/ Pine Nuts & Balsamic Vinegar

Brussels Sprouts w/ Pine Nuts & Balsamic Vinegar

Sorry for my absence and the sporadic downtimes on the blog this past few weeks. My website was crashing the server, requiring me to completely rebuild the blog using an upgraded version of my theme. Well, I didn’t exactly rebuilt it – Corey did. (thanks, Corey!), although I did do a little tweaking. I’m hoping it’s loading faster and more smoothly now, making for a better user experience.

Amazingly, I resisted the urge to re-design anything, which is sort of like having your apartment renovated, but buying all the same furniture and not changing the wall color or curtains. Which is testimony either to the fact that I have become less of a perfectionist, or that I don’t have time and energy for anything new right now, or maybe that I simply love my blog just the way it is.

I think I can pretty much say the same thing about these brussels sprouts.

Brussels Sprouts Quartered

I started out scouring the web and my recipe books to find something amazingly new to do with these lovely little babies that hasn’t been done or blogged about by someone else before. You know, something to rock the food blogging world and turn the heart of even the most vehement brussels sprouts hater.  Something just crazy enough to be brilliant.

Along the way, I found this recipe using both bacon and brown butter (be still, my atherosclerotic heart!), which reminded me of my Dad, who used to eat bacon raw (It’s smoked, he’d say) and turned us on at a young age to bread soaked in browned butter, which we had for breakfast with hot cocoa, which reminded me that my arteries were probably already clogged by the time I was 15, so I’d better make something with olive oil, which reminded me that they just published a study this week showing that a Mediterranean Diet actually lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Brussles Sprouts Simply sauteed

Which meant I would not be making brussels sprouts with butter and maple syrup, or braised with cream, or these with cheese (even if both Meryl and Amy love them that way). I could braise them like Julia does, or in Dijon like Deb does, or roast them like Ina does, or make any one of these 17 wonderful preparations. All of which would be lovely, but not earth shattering or brilliantly new.

By then, it was 7 pm and we needed to get dinner on the table.

And I realized that if I stopped trying to change the world and just sauteed these lovely sprouts with a bit of onion in some olive oil, then deglazed the pan with a few tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and tossed in a few toasted pine nuts, I’d have pretty much a perfect preparation that I would completely adore.

Brussles sprouts with PIne nuts and Balsamic vinegar

So that is exactly what I did.


  • 2 tbsp pine nuts
  • 1 pint brussels sprouts
  • 1/2 sweet onion
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • salt and pepper to taste

Toast pine nuts in a small saute pan over low heat, tossing frequently till evenly toasted – about 4 minutes. Rinse the sprouts in cold water and drain. Slice off the little stem end and remove any yellow or browned leaves. Then quarter the sprouts lengthwise. Slice the onion into pieces about the same length as the sprouts. Heat olive oil over medium high heat in a large saute pan till hot, then saute the sprouts and onion till browned, about 5 minutes, stirring several times, but making sure they stay still long enough in the pan to get nicely browned. De-glaze the pan with balsamic vinegar, toss in the pine nuts, transfer to a serving bowl and serve.

Five Things You Should Question – My Take

From ACOG come five new cautions, part of the American Board of Internal Medicine’s  Choosing Wisely campaign to eliminate wasteful and unnecessary medical interventions that can actually cause harm. All the recommendations are evidence-based and have broad consensus.


one1. Don’t schedule elective, non-medically indicated inductions of labor or cesarean deliveries before 39 weeks 0 days gestational age. Delivery prior to 39 weeks 0 days has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of learning disabilities and a potential increase in morbidity and mortality. There are clear medical indications for delivery prior to 39 weeks 0 days based on maternal and/or fetal conditions. A mature fetal lung test, in the absence of appropriate clinical criteria, is not an indication for delivery. 

I Agree. However, while,”medically necessary” is generally agreed upon, there will always be cases that fall outside the agreed upon parameters, and we need to respect physician judgement, patent autonomy and informed consent.  But when the parameters are exceeded, there should be documentation as to what the medical reasoning is and that the patient is well informed.


TWO2. Don’t schedule elective, non-medically indicated inductions of labor between 39 weeks 0 days and 41 weeks 0 days unless the cervix is deemed favorable.  Ideally, labor should start on its own initiative whenever possible. Higher cesarean delivery rates result from inductions of labor when the cervix is unfavorable. Health care practitioners should discuss the risks and benefits with their patients before considering inductions of labor without medical indications.

I Agree.  Again, there needs to be room for physician judgement and informed choice. Not every pregnancy can be as accurately dated as we’d like, even though it may seem obvious using the retrospectoscope, so we need to be reasonable with this and the first recommendation to allow for a realistic range of error. 


Three3. Don’t perform routine annual cervical cytology screening (Pap tests) in women 30–65 years of age. In average-risk women, annual cervical cytology screening has been shown to offer no advantage over screening performed at 3-year intervals. However, a well-woman visit should occur annually for patients with their health care practitioner to discuss concerns and problems, and have appropriate screening with consideration of a pelvic examination.  

I Sort of Agree. I have to admit that I am still having a little trouble with this one. I once diagnosed a very very tiny, early invasive cancer in a woman who had no history of abnormal paps and whose last pap was just a year prior. Not that anecdotes make for good healthcare.  I am using HPV testing to assist in the decision to back off on annual screens (If the test is negative, you can go 3-5 years between paps.) The recommendation has made me much more comfortable in reassuring patients, many of whom express guilt at being “late for my annual”, that they have not done themselves any harm. (Currently writing an upcoming post on the demise of the annual exam…)


FOur4. Don’t treat patients who have mild dysplasia of less than two years in duration.  Mild dysplasia (Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia [CIN 1]) is associated with the presence of the human papillomavirus (HPV), which does not require treatment in average-risk women. Most women with CIN 1 on biopsy have a transient HPV infection that will usually clear in less than 12 months and, therefore, does not require treatment.

I Agree. I have already been doing this for some time now in almost all patients, the exception being the occasional women with no recent new partners who is past childbearing, has visible lesions on colposcopy and would prefer treatment to follow up.


FIve5. Don’t screen for ovarian cancer in asymptomatic women at average risk. In population studies, there is only fair evidence that screening of asymptomatic women with serum CA-125 level and/or transvaginal ultrasound can detect ovarian cancer at an earlier stage than it can be detected in the absence of screening. Because of the low prevalence of ovarian cancer and the invasive nature of the interventions required after a positive screening test, the potential harms of screening outweigh the potential benefits.

I Strongly Agree. I’ve been trying to do this for a long time, and fighting my patients all the way on this one. I hope that the publicity around it will lead to less requests for routine ovarian cancer screening.


The Choosing Wisely campaign is joined by nine medical societies, each of whom has identified 5 areas where wiser choices can lead to better health outcomes – and probably significant cost savings.  It’s a reasoned approach to the spiraling costs of healthcare.  

Unfortunately, in some cases, not performing a test requires more time on the doctor’s part in educating the patient as to why that test is unnecessary. Trust me on this – it takes 5 times as long to talk a patient out of a ca125 screening test for ovarian cancer than it does to order one.  

Jasmine Pearl Tea

White Dragon Pearl Jasmine Tea

Young silver needle white tea leaves and buds hand-rolled into pearls, aged and then scented with freshly picked jasmine flowers. Light, flowery, calming.

Also fun to watch.

Drop them into a cup of hot water and see how they dance. (Video sped up – this was a 5 minute steep.)

I get my jasmine pearl tea at New Kam Man Market in Chinatown (Thanks, Nancy for the tip…) Go downstairs to the glass tea jars in the back and the man there will help you. Cost is $12-16 for 4 ounces, which for me makes a lot of tea. You can also get Jasmine Pearl tea online. It makes a lovely gift for your favorite tea lover.

Jasmine Tea Pearls 2

Parmesan Potatoes Anna

Parmesan Pommes Anna
Parmesan Pommes Anna

I wanted to share the successful making of this version of Pommes Anna that uses olive oil instead of butter and adds a bit of Parmesan. It went great with Ina Garten’s Perfect Roast Chicken and a side of steamed green beans. And it flipped out of the cast iron skillet perfectly!


I used Yukon gold potatoes, which have a thin skin that does not require peeling, making this an even faster preparation than the original Pommes Anna. If you use Russet potatoes, I’d peel them first.  As soon as it was in the oven, I found myself wishing I’d added in some fresh thyme or Rosemary, so I added it as an optional ingredient. if you make it that way, do let me know. 


  • 8 medium  Yukon gold potatoes, of equivalent size, longer than wide and able to fit into the feeding tube of your food processor
  • Olive Oil (about 2-3 tbsp total)
  • 1/4 cup parmesan cheese, finely grated.
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh Rosemary or Thyme (optional)

Preheat oven to 450 degrees fahremheit.

Rinse and dry the potatoes, cutting away any brown spots and trimming them if need be to fit into the feeding tube of the food processor, in which you will slice them 1/8 thick.

Place a well-seasoned cast iron pan on the stovetop, brush the bottom and sides generously with olive oil, and turn on the heat to medium-high. Start layering the potato slices in the pan immediately, starting in the center, in concentric overlapping circles. Brush every layer with the tiniest bit of olive oil, and sprinkle with salt, freshly ground black pepper and Parmesan cheese (plus herbs if you are using them). Continue layering, working quickly, until you use all the potatoes (5 layers for my pan) and the pan is sizzling hot. Sprinkle the last layer with parmesan and cover with aluminum foil. Place the skillet in the hot oven and bake for 15 mins, then remove the foil and bake another 15 minutes till the top is nicely browned.

Remove from the oven and flip over onto a large plate. Cut into wedges and serve.

Parmesan Potatoes Anna
Parmesan Potatoes Anna

I Recall Central Park Snowfall…

Central Park snow 2

Central Park Snow 1

Central park snow3

Central Park snow 6

snow lady centralpark2

In the snow’s caress

Central Park Show Valentines

light’s floresce

Central Park Snow on trees

sleds’ express

Central Park Sledding

I confess

Central Park Bench in Snow

you slaughtered me at chess.

Chess & Checkers House Central Park
Chess & Checkers House Central Park

I’ll get you next time.

Grilled Polenta w/ Spicy Tomato Sauce & Fried Egg

Grilled Polenta with tomato sauce and an egg

I may not be a believer, but I do love it when the stars align to point me toward something wonderful. In this case, it was the convergence within hours of a tweet by Mario Batali, a visit to a native heirloom grain websitea recipe from David Tanis in the NY Times and a yearning for home cooked comfort that led me to this marvelously spicy and heart warming dinner.

Mario Batali, who generously gives advice to those who preface it with @mariobitali, had this to say on Twitter yesterday –

batali tweet

Which led me to Anson Mills website, where I spent a half hour reading about and yearning for traditional grains.  I almost placed an order online for their Rustic Polenta Integrale, but was deterred by the minimum order and $16 shipping charge, which I was bemoaning to Mr TBTAM that evening when he pulled out that day’s paper to show me an entire page devoted to cooking with polenta.

That was it. Well, that and the chilly temperatures and tomorrow’s coming storm. I knew I had to have polenta for dinner.

And while I did not have artisinal grain, I did have some Bel Aria Bramata Oro Polenta (Did I get it from Eataly? I forget…), which made for a delicious porridge that did not require too long a cook, firmed up beautifully in less than a half hour, sliced with an oiled pizza cutter cleanly and easily and grilled like a dream in our cast iron skillet.

grilled polenta

Mr TBTAM made the spicy tomato sauce (I recommend cutting the red pepper to 1/4 tsp) and fried the eggs as only he can. And we had a new favorite dinner.

Dinner recipe here. Basic polenta recipe here.

And if anyone knows where I can lay my hands on some Anson Mills Polenta here in NYC, do let me know.

When Men Experience Labor

Very interesting seeing how these two men respond to simulated pain that reproduces labor for two hours.  One lasted the two hours, the other didn’t.

 I’m very sorry, but I quit.

It’s undeniably great TV viewing, and a reality check for men who may not understand what women go through giving birth.

But there is real physical danger here, especially with the use of muscle stimulators and then inhaled anesthesia for induced pain. This sort of stunt not only pushes the boundaries of reality TV, but I would question if it is ethical for health professionals to participate in it.

Is it time for TV programs to have IRB’s?  I’m beginning to think so.


Thanks to Kate for sharing the video. 

Herbed Whole Wheat Israeli CousCous with Roasted Cauliflower

Whole Wheat Cous Cous w: Roasted Cauliflower and Rosemary

Whole wheat Israeli couscous. A delicious and healthy way to enjoy these addicting little balls of roasted semolina flour. In Israel they call it ptitim, invented by the Osem food company when Ben Gurion asked them to develop a wheat based substitute for rice during a shortage there. The original ptitim were rice-shaped, but evolved over time to this round pearl couscous.

Israeli couscous is similar to Lebanese Maftoul (which I am dying to try), although Maftoul is made using bulgur and wheat rather than semolina.

Until now, I’ve always eaten the refined white flour version of Israeli couscous, and felt unsatisfied no matter how much I ate at a sitting, which was often considerable. But this whole wheat version is so much more flavorful and filling that a 1/2 cup serving is enough for me.

WHile Wheat Israeli Cous Cous uncooked

We made whole wheat Israeli Couscous tonight using chicken broth and fresh herbs, then served it tossed with roast cauliflower and fresh rosemary alongside pesto-topped broiled basa filet, with some homemade applesauce for desert. A hearty yet healthy dinner, I must say.

Whole Wheat Israeli Cous Cous

We got our couscous at Fairway, but you can get it almost anywhere these days, including online. The traditional brand is Osems, but Bob’s Red Mill makes it, as does Roland. Make sure you get the whole wheat version.


The key to great Israeli cous cous is to pan roast it to bring out the nutty flavor before cooking it in liquid. Some people cook Israeli cous cous like pasta, draining the water off before serving. Others treat it more like rice, which to me seems preferable.  This difference may account for the wide range of ratios of couscous to liquid found in recipes around the web. I”ve settled on 1 1/4 cups liquid per cup of couscous. This is a very simple preparation, but you can make it as complex as you want depending on what you add to it – onions, garlic, you name it.  

  • 2 cups whole wheat Israeli CousCous
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1-15 oz can chicken broth + enough water to make 2 1/2 cups liquid total
  • 2 tbsp thyme leaves
  • 2 tbsp chopped fresh rosemary (plus whole leaves for garnish)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Roast cauliflower (recipe here)
  • Sheep’s MilkYogurt (Optional garnish)

Heat olive oil in a medium saucepan. Toss in couscous and cook over medium high heat till lightly toasted (about 4 mins), adding the herbs about half way through. Add liquid and bring to a boil, then turn down to a low simmer, cover and cook till the liquid is absorbed, about 15-20 mins.

Toss with roast cauliflower and fresh rosemary. Serve with a dollop of Sheeps’ Milk Yogurt.