Acne Spam

Sothe other day, I log in and check my comments section. For the past week or so, it has been very very quiet, which of course feeds my insecurities that I am a complete loser. So imagine my delight when I see four (count ’em 4!) comments to may latest post.

The first is from my new friend Bardiac, who has a great suggestion for forcing bulbs, and tells me that the weather in the midwest is also unseasonably warm. I begin to suspect that he is a fellow gardener, and that we’ll have lots to talk about as the season sets in…

Eagerly, I click on the next comment, which begins “Love your blog…” Oh good, a fan! My heart sinks when I see that it is spam. Someone trying to get me to link to his web site for “natural” acne treatments. I reject the post. I’m just glad I chose to moderate comments.

The next post starts “Interesting…” but it is anything but. It is another spam from the same site. Now I”m getting pissed.

The final comment starts “Wanted to comment…” Yeah right! Comment about your acne site!

I had turned off the word verification because some of my readers complained they couldn’t comment using it. Unfortunately, I just turned it back on. Because that’s the only way to prevent this sort of harrassment. Sorry.

I guess some folks just like to

4 Responses to Acne Spam

  1. Awww. I actually read you every often. I am just not a commentor by nature. I feel what you write is your own oberservations and what right is it for me to comment on your ID? However it looks like you needed a pick me up, so I just wanted to say Hello and that I quite enjoy your writing.
    Thank You.

  2. I understand how frustrating it can be. I mean, the least we can do as readers or visitors to your site is to actually read what you’ve posted and give a quality comment. I have my own blog as well and get a lot of spam. I honestly don’t mind the back-linking as long as they truly have something to contribute.

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