Afternoon Delight

When I get those 4 pm cravings, I usually make myself a cup of chamomile tea and tough it out till dinner. But sometimes, like today, I cave in and have a cookie and a cup of Joe. And when I want a really great cookie, I get these Raspberry Oat Bars (with chocolate chips) from a baker on Long Island called Have Your Cake, Ltd.

But I don’t have to go to Long Island, because my friend Mark sells them around the corner at his deli.They are not cheap ($2.99 for 2 large cookies), but they are worth every penny. And the best part is that I only ate one, so there’s another cookie waiting in my desk drawer for tomorrow afternoon. If you want to stop by, I’ll split it with you….

Category: Food

3 Responses to Afternoon Delight

  1. From the looks of that pile of work on your sdesk, I can see that we are in for another post from you about being addicted to the blog and letting the work slide…

  2. OBS HOUSEKEEPER, I will have you know that when I left work yesterday, my desk was entirely clean. (You would be so proud!)

    That pile you see is a just one afternoon’s worth of charts, notes, labs and test results. (I get through a pile twice that big every day.)

    I would post a picture of my clean deask for you right now, except I can’t figure out how to put a pgot in a comment.

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