Trojan’s Ad Needs to Evolve

Trojan has mounted (oops – Freudian slip?) a new ad campaign urging young men to be sexually responsible by using a condom every time they have sex. The mantra : It’s time we evolve. From their website:

Sex itself isn’t an unhealthy thing that needs to be policed or demonized; it’s a natural expression of our humanity. Using protection consistently and correctly is a critical component to managing one’s sexual health.

Trojan claims they are trying to break down the predjudice that condom use automatically mean promiscuity. From today’s NY Times:

“We have to change the perception that carrying a condom for women or men is a sign they’re on the prowl and just want to have sex,” said Linda Kaplan Thaler, chief executive of the Kaplan Thaler Group, the New York advertising agency that created the “Evolve” campaign.

Unfortunately, Trojan seems to be sending that exact message with their ad. Set entirely in a bar, with a cute little ditty of a tune beneath it, the ad shows men, portrayed (literally) as pigs, on the prowl trying to pick up a series of girls, all of whom seem to be alone at the bar. None of the pigs are successful. But then, one pig heads to a vending machine and buys a condom, at which point he is transformed into the cutie that he really is, and gets the girl.

Message? – Carrying condoms will get you laid.

Fox and CBS are refusing to air the ad. I’m not sure why – this ad is no worse than what they are showing 24-7 on their stations already. I say air it and let’s get this conversation going.

Trojan – Bad start, but at least it’s a start. Keep trying – I’ll be watching. And so will millions of young men. See if you can find a way to reach them in a way that doesn’t cheapen women or promote promiscuity. You’ve got some brilliant advertising folks working for you – I’m sure they can help you figure it out …

5 Responses to Trojan’s Ad Needs to Evolve

  1. Schruggling says:

    See you went all female on us again. It is GREAT that the condom companies are addressing the issue directly, but when it comes to the purchasing of condoms, men still buy more. We men are weak characters…we will find the commercial hilarious, remember it, and probably by their brand of condom. We are a simple beast, us males…they at least recognize it, adapt for it, and hope the greater message is heard.

    This is why so many comedians have successful careers…penis jokes and fart jokes still make men laugh the most. Sad but true.

    Women are just simply put, more evolved. If Trojan were to market directly to woman in the above ad, it would be a more evolved ad, but they are targeting men…it just works.

  2. Schtruggling:

    Interesting point of view. Still, do you agreee the ad seems to say exactly the opposite of what the ad-makers say it was designed to say?

    I think the message of this ad is – “carry our condoms and get laid”. Just like beer ads are “Drink our beer and get laid”.

    Maybe you’re right – that’s the way to market to guys…

  3. I think you made your own point. Guys think, “…breath the air and get laid” It’s a simple formula – all things lead to man getting sex.

    Schruggling says:

    I think the ad says, you are going to act like a dog and you want to get laid. Make sure you have a condom with you. That’s all. You are putting way too much in it. The ad is meant for the guy. If it was fot the woamn, it would be more emotional, rather than primal. Guys wouldn’t understand it.

    This is true of the monogamous man as well. I still think that way and I am married nearly 14 years. However, I don’t think about the condom since my vasectomy!


  4. Doc,

    Nice to see your comments on this ad campaign. You mirror mine exactly.

    You might want to see what one of the smartest women in the entertainment industry is saying– April Winchell. While April is a wild child upon occasion, isn’t shy of uttering an adult phrase or two, she knows how to deliver a message properly.

    FYI: April is also a very successful ad writer, comedian, and VO person here in LA. She also does a perm Radio sit ins with Mark Germain one of LA’s most talented talk radio personalities.

    And before you ask… yes she is one of the daughters of Paul Winchell– but he is not on her favorite person list.

    Check out her blog at:

    Mary Lu

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