Give a Laptop, Get a Laptop

One Laptop Per Child, an organization that is building and distributing laptop computers to children in the developing world, is offering a free laptop for every one you donate.

This is the first time the revolutionary XO laptop has been made available to the general public. For a donation of $399, one XO laptop will be sent to empower a child in a developing nation and one will be sent to the child in your life in recognition of your contribution. $200 of your donation is tax-deductible (your $399 donation minus the fair market value of the XO laptop you will be receiving).

It’s a great little laptop – built around a Linux operating sytem, rugged enough to resist the wilds of Africa and the dangers of your kid’s commute to school. Best part? The screen is visible in sunlight.

The Give one, Get One Offer runs till November 26. I ordered mine today. My daughter is ecstatic, and I hope some kid in Africa will be too.

Why not order yours?

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