Make Sperm, Not War

The Civil War in Lebanon caused a decrease in sperm count, according to a study published this week in Fertility and Sterility.

Researchers at the American Hospital in Beiruit retrospectively reviewed records of couples receiving fertility treatment between 1985 and 1995, and compared the results of semen anlyses performed on samples collected during the war (1985-89) and after the war (1991-95).

Sperm concentrations were significantly lower during the war compared with the post war period, although sperm volume and motility remained the same. Sperm morphology was actually more abnormal after the war. (Whether this latter result was due to toxic exposure during the war or a change in how semen anlayses are reported is unclear, but the latter seems more likely.)

The authors suggest that the stress of war leads to a decline in sperm production, possibily through a depression of testosterone levels via the effect of stress hormones on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis.

Although a longitudinal study of men before, during and after war would have made a better case, these results are interesting to say the least, and give us one more reason to make love and not war.

4 Responses to Make Sperm, Not War

  1. Excellent conclusion!

    I can’t find the data doing a quick google search, but I recall reading articles about sex of babies born during war time being seriously skewed from 50/50 as well. This would lend credbility that sperm production is at least altered during war time for what ever reason it may ultimately be.

    Love the modified tank by the way…it’s so…Woody Allen-esque!

  2. The study I wrote about actually has a very interesting summary of the literature to date in its discussion section, including reference to a study (in Germany…) where some sadist did testicular bipopsies on prisoners awaiting sentencing and foundt that they had stopped making sperm. Apparently it was concluded that the stress of prison led to the cessation fo sperm production, although I’d say it was the stress of knowing someone was about to take out a bite out of your testicles…

  3. Dang, the things I learn on your blog. Scone recipes, details on sperm death…

    My hubby flies over Lebanon yearly on his way to another middle east location – do ya think that’s why we can’t get pregnant? Hmmmm.

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