There Goes the Neighborhood…

We had brunch last weekend at Barney Greengrass the Sturgon King, the famed Upper West Side restaurant and fish emporium. We were shocked to find that there was no line, and they sat our group of 6 almost immediately. By contrast, the line at Popover’s Cafe, a nice enough but undistinguished place down the street, was out the door.

No line at Barney Greengrass?

Could it be due to the influx of Neaveau Riche to the now toney, high-rent Upper West Side? Types that don’t appreciate a good plate of Nova and eggs or a bit of creamed herring? Do they really prefer an overbaked popover to a cheese blintz, which, by the way, Mr TBTAM’s cousin Maureen declared was the closest she’d ever tasted to Aunt Eleanor’s homemade?

Mr TBTAM says I’m over-reacting, and it was just that we ventured out so late that day. (It was almost 2pm).

I sure hope he’s right…

4 Responses to There Goes the Neighborhood…

  1. One itty bitty mild note of dissent… I think Popover’s can be great. My favorite is the Popeye eggs… creamed spinach over a steaming, slightly sweet, airy popover, scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and cream cheese topped with a lemony Hollandaise sauce… mmmmmmm….

  2. Dr Val-

    You’re right- I’ve actually eaten at Popovers many times, and the food can be good, especially the salads. I still maintain the popvers are over-baked, however. At first, I kept thinking I was hitting the place on an off-day, then after enough very dark brown rather dry crusted popovers, I realized that’s just how they make them.

    You want a nice popover? Go to Jordon Pond House in Arcadia National Park in Maine for the afternoon tea and popovers after biking the carriage trails. If you eat outside, you get great views AND great popovers…

  3. You’re right… they can over cook them… I always ask for mine light golden in color. That helps a lot. 🙂 Not sure when I’ll get to Maine next – but if I do, I’ll check out the Jordon Pond House. Speaking of Maine, though, my favorite lobster roll ever is at Mary’s Fish Camp. Have you tried it? So good…

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