Refresh Your Grey’s Anatomy…

at the Sterile Eye, the blog of a Norwegian medical photographer, who hosts this week’s edition of Surgexperiences. For this edition of the best of the surgical blogosphere, the Sterile Eye puts down his camera, and takes us to a former age when the drawing reigned supreme…

…nothing appeals to me like the simple and effective lithographs that accompanied the early editions of the tome of anatomical knowledge that is Gray’s Anatomy. The 1918 edition is in the public domain, and is available in its entirety online. All illustrations here, relating to the submitted posts, are taken from this edition.

Head on over for a compliation of surgical posts and some great illustrations.

One Response to Refresh Your Grey’s Anatomy…

  1. To control the pain we must attend to the specialist because we can give him what is appropriate and what we need, for example I take Oxycontin, which is a medicine used to counter the chronic pain that I have for years, but I rioja prescribing doctor, I take it in moderation because I read in which is a medicine that causes anxiety, and we must control it as it can affect your nervous system, so do not take medicines without consultation because it really can be dangerous.

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