Well, There Went My Chance…

Susan Boyle has taken what is probably the world’s only slot in the big time for an overweight middle-aged newbie singer. Good thing I kept the day job….

The Daily Record has unearthed that recording up there of Susan singing “Cry Me a River” for a charity CD in 1999. She’s no one-hit wonder.

5 Responses to Well, There Went My Chance…

  1. I loved watching Simon sigh and then slowly smile when Susan was singing "I Dreamed a Dream" Beautiful song! I'm happy that good things are going for her now 🙂

    Are you still biking the Greenway? I would to see more pictures & entries on your biking adventures. Last time I did it, I went from South Street Seaport up to about 100th Street. I was too tired to reach the red lighthouse, which was what I really wanted to see.

  2. she has an amazing, beautiful voice!

    i like to think that maybe now people will be a little less willing to dismiss middle-aged overweight women solely on the basis of appearance.

  3. She kept the voice almost all to herself for 47 years-just goes to show you can follow your dreams at any age-YOU ROCK SUSAN-I wish her all the happiness in the world
    ps-love your blog

  4. I once recevied a compliment after singing at a wedding – the kind person said “I had no idea you had such a great voice – you should go on American Idol.” My supportive and loving husband interjected with “She can’t – she’s too old.” (sigh) We need a talent competition here in the U.S. that has no age limit.

    Watching Simon’s response to Susan Boyle made me fall in love with Simon ALL over again!

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