How Much Will you Pay to Prevent H1N1?

Healthcare CIO John Halamka likes this cool self-sterilizing keyboard. So do I.

But why the $899 price tag? You can pick up a sterilizer for your nail salon for $89. Looks like the manufacturers of this keyboard are trying to cash in on H1N1 hysteria.

2 Responses to How Much Will you Pay to Prevent H1N1?

  1. Hmm, turn it off and spritz some lysol on there or something?

    I wish I could just arrange for the flu shot. Everyone here seems out or they haven't gotten the H1N1 version yet. (Though I'm low in line for the H1N1 from what I've read, so who knows if/when that'll be available for folks who aren't in high risk groups.)

    My students, of course, are coughing and sneezing all over; we're trying to encourage folks to stay home when sick, but we can't just close down for the semester.

  2. I certainly don't want to get H1N1… however, I certainly don't want a vaccine that money hungry manufacturers have been allowed to rush to production either. The last time that happened, I think around 1980, a lot of people died from the vaccine. I don't want to be a guinea pig.

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