Forskalin for UTI? Maybe – If You’re a Rat

A patient came into the office the other day carrying a small clipping from a reputable Women’s Health newsletter touting new research on an herbal remedy for urinary tract infections. Having recurrent bladder infections, my patient naturally was wondering if this was something she should try.

The article was entitled “Herbal Remedy Effective for Urinary Tract Infections”, and began with this startling revelation –

The common herbal extract forskolin can greatly reduce urinary tract infections and could potentially help antibiotics kill the bacteria that cause most bladder infections. 

but advised that the “popular” remedy was not FDA approved for this indication, so she should “ask your doctor.”

Googling it, I quickly discovered the research study being touted in the article – a small pilot study from 2007, in which researchers instilled a solution containing the herb Forskolin (Who thought of that name? Sounds like Foreskin…) into the bladders of lab rats previously infected with e coli, then sacrificed the rats and compared their bladders to those instilled with saline solution. Their findings – less bacteria in the forskolin irrigated rat bladders.

Needless to say, once I simply explained the research findings to my patient, she had absolutely no desire to try this untested herbal remedy.

“I’m no rat and I’m no guinea pig” she said.

Smart woman.

21 Responses to Forskalin for UTI? Maybe – If You’re a Rat

  1. Sounds like those bloody stupid alternative medicine tests for allergy in which a sample of the blood is sent by post to a lab where they (apparently) drop tiny amounts of suspected allergens into it and watch what happens. So damn stupid!

    Some alternative medicine (the kind that's based on actual medicinal plants) is one thing, but I wish people were more educated about the rest. Most of it is just nonsense.

    I was sent a free sample of some so-called laxative. I put it where the sun don't shine – in the rubbish bin with all the other trash.

  2. my dad is a doctor. he has patients bring articles and
    "research" like this to him all the time. 🙂

  3. Weird! I have heard of that before though and like the woman I am not about to try something like that. I used another "remedy" of baking soda mixed with water.

    I do not know if it was working, if in my head I made it work or what. But my UTI went away. I get them on and off every few months, and this actually works.

    Having no health insurance and not wanting to pay that high price tag of a doctor visit (sorry) it was nice to see this home remedy work!

  4. People are in such need of finding things that work for them that they will jump at anything. I thank God that the woman had enough intelligence to consult a doctor before taking the herb, but a lot of people will take it and not consult a health care provider.
    I think that some of these herb company's should have stricter guidelines or something.

    • “Real” medicine as you might call it causes lots and lots of deaths, so in a way I agree with Bett.
      I think that Big Pharma should have much strickter guidelines and thats for sure.
      theo muller,

  5. There have been more than one occasions where I have fallen for the same thing as your patient. We are very quick to believe what we read is true because it says they are organic or natural remedies. Since we have been herded away from chemical medicines due to the media we are dying to cling to anything that may provides us with a safer solution. More in-depth research is definitely required after reading about some herbal remedy.

  6. Many such small studies are available under attractive captions. The contents of them could be interpreted and explained to the patients by Physicians only! Nobody wants himself/herself to be a guinea pig!

  7. Natural Cranberry juice (no sugar added) helps but I always go to the doctor if I have a UTI. I have had them get severe very quickly and I don't want to risk anything like a kidney infection.
    I do take steps to prevent them like staying hydrated, taking cranberry pills when I'm being quite sexually active. Also, always urinate after sex!

  8. I know a lot of people like to feel intelligent by rejecting everything out of hand. “Smart woman”, you say? What if this could have helped her? There was little danger in trying it.

    Speaking as someone who has experienced repeated urinary tract infections for years, every time I have sex, I need some answers. At first cranberry juice, then D-mannose helping prevent them, but these failed in turn after awhile. Then my doctor put me on a prophylactic dose of amoxicillin right after sex. That worked for about a year. Then it stopped working. And the resulting UTII was difficult to eradicate. They changed the dose to Cipro — that worked once. The next time it didn’t. It seems I may be out of options and may have to give up sex with my husband. I have tried everything, nothing works for me any more. This is a nightmare. If there is hope in an herbal adjunct to antibiotics, I would try it in a heartbeat. I consider that a smart idea.

  9. Firstly, I realize this is an old article. But still feel inclined to post. I am like Ann who posted 4/1/13. I keep experiencing repeated UTI’s. I’m a sexually active woman, and will continue to be so until my husband and I can’t any more. I too take cranberry every day; I urinate after sex like we are supposed to; I’m a very clean and neat freak. I have been on multiple types of medications throughout my life. I for one will try anything, if I think it will work. I’m just so OVER having constant UTI’s. Most of the individuals who have posted here probably only get them occasionally. Try living with them all the time! I agree with Ann, this is a constant nightmare.

  10. When cranberry juice, dmannose, and countless rounds of antibiotics dont work. Your urologist thinks you should be on a daily antibiotic indefinitely and assumes you must be unclean..I AM a medical professional and I know WHAT is dirty and what is clean. when in fact ecoli has invaded your bladder walls, ‘hides out’ effectively during antibiotic treatment… after two years I still have the same problem and when all I want is a cure all conventional medicine can offer is more antibiotics. They dont work like they used to folks! Time to broaden very narrowed veiws on treatment. And quit assuming your patient ‘stupid’

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