Soft Shell Crabs on a Bed of Leeks with Warm Herbed Potato Salad

It amazes me to think I spent more than half of my life not knowing that soft shell crabs existed. Seriously, I didn’t taste my first soft shell, cooked to perfection by my future mother-in-law on her stovetop in Philadelphia, until I was almost 30 years old. Today, Irene’s simple method – sauteeing flour-dredged and salt and generously peppered soft shells in butter – remains my favorite way to enjoy these amazing delicacies. Actually, I don’t cook the soft shells – Mr TBTAM does. His mom taught him, after all.

Sauteed Soft Shell Crabs on a Bed of Leeks

Mr. TBTAM may cook the crabs, but I present them. And tonight, it was on a bed of leeks, with a side of warm herbed potato salad and some sliced tomatoes. We got our crabs from Fairway, where they were so fresh, they wriggled ever so slightly if you touched them. I think these may be the last of this season for us – the shells were just starting to head towards the hard side on the edges. This short season is what makes soft shells so special.

For the leeks
4 large leeks
1 tbsp olive oil (If you can handle the calories, add also a tad of butter..)
Salt and pepper to taste
White wine to deglaze (optional)

Trim off bulb and dark green parts of leeks, then slice longways. Wash thoroughly in a bowl of cold water, rinsing and refreshing several times until all the sand and grit are gone. Drain on paper towels and blot dry. Cut in half again across and then slice very thin. Heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a large saute pan till hot. Add leeks and saute over medium high heat until softened, about 10 -15 minutes, adding salt and pepper about halfway through.  Remove leeks from pan to a small bowl. If you want, you can deglaze the pan with 1 tbsp of wine and add to the leeks. Cover with foil to keep warm while sauteeing the crabs.

For the crabs
6 soft shell crabs
1/4 cup flour
salt and pepper
3-4 tbsp butter

In the same pan, melt 2 tbsp butter. Lightly dredge the crabs in flour and sprinkle one side with salt and freshly ground pepper. Add to the pan (salted side down) and saute about 2 minutes till brown. Sprinkle a little more more salt and pepper on top before turning, then add another 1-2 tbsp butter to the pan. Cook another 2 minutes or so till done. If you do it right, this is what your soft shells will look like –

To serve, divide the leeks among the plates and place a crab atop the bed of leeks. Serve with a side of potato salad and sliced tomatoes. Split the remaining two crabs for second helpings. Serves 4.

Warm Herbed Potato Salad

12 small red potatoes (Not the teeny-tiny ones)
1/4 cup mayonnaise (Try 1/8 cup first and that may be enough for you..)
2 tbsp rice wine vinegar
1/4 cup chopped fresh herbs (I used tarragon, parsley, chives and a tiny bit of mint)
salt and pepper to taste

Clean the potatoes but don’t peel them. Slice into quarters and place in a stock pot, cover with water, add a tsp salt and bring to a boil. turn down heat and simmer till just cooked, but not too soft (about 15 minutes). While they are boiling, chop your herbs and mix them in a small bowl with vinegar and mayo. Drain potatoes, place into serving bowl, pour on dressing and toss gently.  Serve warm.

40 Responses to Soft Shell Crabs on a Bed of Leeks with Warm Herbed Potato Salad

  1. Found you on blog of note..congrats! I work in surgery and none of our Docs seem as cool as you..atleast none that can cook!

  2. I live near the bay in South NJ. On the full moon, I hit the bay and look for "softies" swimming at the top of the water for protection. Some nights you can get a half dozen. They are an incredible world class delicacy, and as long as this blog doesn't explode, will remain our little secret. hehehe

  3. Oh,your blog is very nice .I really like it ^^!

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  4. the soft shelled crab looks delicious. I'm from louisiana so its a staple of our diet, but after this spill they are predicting their extinction from our area. good to know they still thrive up north…


  5. If You Died Today, Are You 100% Sure You Would Go To Heaven When You Die or the Rapture Comes?

    1. You Are A Sinner.
    "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

    2. There Is A Price On Sin.
    "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life
    through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23

    "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the
    second death." Revelation 20:14

    3. Jesus Shed His Precious Blood on the Cross and Died To Pay For Your Sins.
    "But God commendeth His love toward us in that while we were yet
    sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
    Luke 1:77 To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins,
    Hebrews 9:22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.

    4. Salvation Is Not Of Our Works. It Is Through Jesus Christ.
    "But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the
    ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." Romans 4:5

    5. God Wants To Save You If You Will Just Put Your Trust In Him.
    "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."
    Romans 10:13

    A sample prayer you may pray:

    Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I know that I deserve to die
    and go to Hell. I believe that You died for me on the Cross and after
    three days and three nights You arose from the dead so that I could be
    saved. Jesus, You promised in your Word to save any who call upon the
    name of the Lord. Jesus, I am calling upon your name now. Please save
    me, Jesus, and take me to Heaven someday to live with you forever!
    Thank You for saving me, Jesus. Amen.
    The King James Bible, the infallible, inerrant, incorruptible, perfect, preserved, inspired, ONLY TRUE Word of the ONLY Living God, the Great I AM!

  6. hello!

    Im from valencia (spain)
    Your blog is very interesting
    I like the food! =)

    Visit my blog please!

  7. i am a potato salad fan, big time, but have never had warm potato salad. looks awesome. i need to get this recipe to my wife.

    i hope this finds you well. thanks for the great pics…gotta go eat something now! LOL

  8. hmm the potato salade really looks yummy. nice one!

    by the way, please I really need some followers =D

  9. What a cool blog!!! I loved the opera in the market, I fell in love with the virtual choir.
    The recipies are scrumptious. The doctoring sequences are funny and entertaining too. I'll be back.

  10. Wow, you've become famous.

    I wonder which version of the KJ Bible Ashley thinks is perfect? 'Cuz, they keep revising it, so maybe she should let them know. Or maybe she thinks the KJ version is the original?

  11. at the fish counter in Eastern Market here, the largest size of soft shelled crab is called "WHALE." I kid you not. it's about the size you've got pictured, but that could be a trick. they are quite small….
    WWJD with a soft shelled crab?

  12. MMM, soft shell crabs. Reminds me of growing up by the Jersey Shore and going to that drive in restaurant, "The Circus," in Monmouth County. Has anyone else ever been there?

    Also, please check out my blog, I'm a man in need of help.

  13. The first time a saw (or heard of) soft shell crabs was seeing a co-worker eating a sandwich – with the legs dangling out.
    I like them better on a plate LOL
    Such a fleeting season. MR TBTAM'z look perfect!

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