Health Care and Social Media – Anthem

Somehow over the past few days, the idea of a Twitter Health Care Social Media Band has arisen. Not sure who started it (UPDATE – It was @scanman) , but possible band names being bantered about include Meaningless Use and Take as Directed, and we’ve got a  line up of band members including @Dr Eisenberg, @Doc Rob, @Linda P, MD, @Dr Kate, @LissPiano , @medPiano and @RLBates. Not to let a good idea get lost, I decided to write us our first song.

With apologies to the Grateful Dead, here it is, along with my bad guitar playing and best imitation of Jerry Garcia I could come up with.

#HCSM Anthem – or A Friend on Facebook is a Friend of Mine

(Click on song title to listen… Sung to the time of A Friend of the Devil)

I got out of residency trailed by massive debt
Figured I would build my practice on the internet
Set out marketing myself online
A friend on Facebook is a friend of mine
If I should start a blog to write
I might just get some Tweets tonight…

Ran into the HIPAA regulations right away
Made me pause before I wrote about my working day
Trying to make my reputation grow
To friend a patient is a big no –no
If I should write a patient piece, I’d better get a signed release ….

Ran into a doctor blogger Vartabedian
He called me unprofessional and a barbarian
Set out blogging but I’ll take my time
I’ll give up Facebook it’s a waste of time
If I should twitter any thought profane
I just might ruin my well–earned name.

Got two reasons why I went into my chosen field
The first one was to cure disease and make the sick ones healed.
The second one’s to make a difference in this world we live
And social media has only marketing to give.

Got a busy practice babe, and not much time to spare.
Should I spend it all online or with the folks I care (about)?
Set out marketing  myself online and found the internet a waste of time.
My patients know the kind of doc I am, and social media’s a scam.

I got out of residency trailed by massive debt
Figured I would build my practice on the internet
Set out marketing myself online
A friend on Facebook is a friend of mine
If I should start a blog to write
I might just get some Tweets tonight…

11 Responses to Health Care and Social Media – Anthem

  1. I would like to very humbly take credit for initiating this on twitter. 😉
    I was the one who introduced @doc_rob, @lizzpiano & @medpiano to @drkt in a twitter conversation.

    • Vijay – Thanks for letting me know. I jumped into thetwittersation near the end and couldn’t find out where it started. Have added proper credit!

    • Peggy –

      Oh what a wonderful way to wake up on a Sunday morning before work!! I had to watch I didn’t laugh too loudly and wake up my fiance! I love it!! So creative!! 🙂 You’ve got a great voice!!

      Mike – I don’t know if I’m allowed to speak for the group, but I think you’d make a great addition! 🙂 Mad talent show skillz…

      Carrie 🙂

  2. You are so talented! I will so have to fade into the background in this band (don’t play any instrument) as a sometimes off-key backup singer / dancer. 🙂

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