Politics & The Morning After Pill

Kathleen Sibelius, head of HSS, has overruled the FDA and blocked its recommended approval of the emergency contraceptive Plan B for over the counter access. The move runs counter to Sibelius’  pro-choice record, and to President Obama’s stated commitment to uphold science over politics.

Her argument? She is protecting 11 year old girls, who she states do not have the cognitive maturity to use the medication correctly.

Apparently, though, 11 year olds have the maturity to use Tylenol, a drug that have been shown to cause serious side effects, and even death, if taken at too high a dose.  (Some studies suggest that even taking it at recommended doses for as little as 4 days can cause liver abnormalities.) In fact, if they want to, any 11 year old can purchase up to 100 Tylenol pills for less than a week’s allowance.

The morning after pill, on the other hand, has no serious side effects, even if taken improperly. At a cost of almost $50 for one pill, it is likely never to be purchased by anyone, adult or teen, in a dose large enough to do anything other than what it’s intended to do, which is to prevent an unplanned pregnancy.

This is a travesty.


More on the Morning after Pill

9 Responses to Politics & The Morning After Pill

    • I wish I knew. Cat fight with Margaret Hamburg? Obama in a pre-election year? A back-room deal we have yet to learn about? (If so, something good better be coming women’s way in terms of reproductive rights in return for this one…)

      I’m just stunned.

  1. Thanks for saying what needs to be said. I hope the outrage overwhelms Sibelius, but I do think it’s an Obama election ploy!!

  2. she’s protecting 11-year-old girls? from what? not from getting pregnant, that’s for sure. i am still at a loss to find a good reason for this. it seems so cynical and ignorant.

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