Now For the Good News – Depo-Provera Prevents Ovarian Cancer

We’ve known for years that birth control pills protect against ovarian cancer, with an up to 80% reduction in risk with long term use.  Now it appears that use of Depo-Provera may convey a similar benefit.

In a large multicenter case control study in Thailand, published ahead of print in the upcoming issue of the British Journal of Ob-Gyn, use of Depo Provera led to a 39% reduction in ovarian cancer risk. Long term use for three years or more reduced the risk of ovarian cancer by a whopping 83%.  Oh, and by the way, in case you didn’t know it, Depo-Provera also protects against uterine cancer, doing it so well that it is actually used as treatment for uterine cancer.

That’s important information for women using Depo Provera to know, particularly in light of recent media attention to the potential for breast cancer in long term Depo Provera users under age 35.

To put it all into perspective, the risk for breast cancer in women under age 35 is about a 0.2% (1 in 500). The lifetime risk for ovarian cancer is about 1.5% (1 in 66). The lifetime risk of endometrial cancer is about 2.5% (1 in 40). Unlike the possible breast cancer risks, which disappear when Depo-Provera is stopped, the protections against ovarian and endometrial cancer appear to be lifelong.

All of these cancer risks are low in comparison to the risk of unplanned pregnancy, which comprise close to half of the pregnancies conceived each year in the United States. For most women, concerns about raising or lowering cancer risk is not the driving force behind choice of contraceptive.  But on balance, the cancer risk/benefit ratio of Depo-Provera appears to be quite favorable and on par with that of combined oral contraceptives.

For women who need effective birth control, that’s good news.

3 Responses to Now For the Good News – Depo-Provera Prevents Ovarian Cancer

    • This is a silly article, we don’t use Depo and I know Ann Friedman and her daughters and sisters, if she has any, do not use Depo Provera. Are you idiots called women comparing the risk of cancer vs. having babies — are you idiots or just inhumane? There are safer forms of birth control. Depo Provera is the most dangerous contraceptive in the world according to this petition — read it and learn something. When the Friedman’s and Cohen’s become number one Depo users then we have a moral authority to say it is an acceptable contraceptive. Until then shut up keep taking a low dose pill or something safe—not depo provera

  1. To the person above.. I and many of my friends and relatives have been on depo and various other birth controls for years. The risks for depo users are much lower than pill users
    The blood clot risk is barely existent on depo. Look how many pills and rings,patches ect have been sued for killing lots of women. All birth control has risks but don’t insult people for showing that there are health benefits with sometjong besides the pill.

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