Hurricane Sandy Relief – Time to Pay it Forward

If, like me, you are feeling blessed and grateful that you made it through the storm last week unscathed, here are just a few websites to find opportunities to volunteer your time and resources to help those less who were less fortunate.

Add additional volunteer opportunities in the comments section. And pass it on.

4 Responses to Hurricane Sandy Relief – Time to Pay it Forward

  1. great resources! and YAY for red cross!

    do you know anything about support for (what i think are) outlying areas? i do not have much sense of NY geography; but one of my dear college friends is frantic about island park, where she grew up, which apparently had a huge amount of damage.

  2. Thanks for links. Thought you’d like to know even in faraway Portland, Oregon, my co-op grocery will donate 10% of one day’s take to Sandy relief. As we discovered last night we definitely are ONE country mostly united.

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