Central Park Conservancy Garden


Most tourists don’t make it above 72nd St, and so they never see one of Central Park’s most special spots – The Conservancy Garden.

Central Park Conservancy Garden 2

My favorite times to visit the garden are right about now, when the trees and tulips are in bloom and in early summer when the wisteria blossom.

Central Park Conservancy 4

But anytime is the right time to enjoy this oasis of quiet beauty and sweet dignity in the city.  (Also a  bathroom with no lines…)

Central Park Conservancy Garden 3

It’s even more special if you visit the garden with two very dear friends, as a little detour on your bike ride around the Central Park Loop.


Add in a pre-ride coffee with the girls at the Columbus Circle park kiosk and a  stop to watch the guys play ball at the Heckscher Fields in the south park,

Ballgame central park

then convince MR TBTAM (who skipped the ball game that day so he could run errands – what was he thinking?…) to bike over and join you all for a post-game/post-ride lunch at the Ballfields Cafe, and I would say that you have had one very perfect Sunday outing.

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