The PMS Bath

The next time someone you love is in the throes of PMS…

No. Wait. Before the one you love is in the throes of PMS. You know, when you can see it starting. The short answers, the distracted look, the lethargic pose, the negative comments.

Before she starts lashing out at you, and you start lashing back, and someone says something they regret. And definitely before you ask “Are you getting your period?” Because if you haven’t learned it by now, never, ever as a woman in the throes of PMS that question.

Before all that starts, stop. Take a breath. Calm yourself down (because you can, she can’t).

And do something different this month.

Draw her up a nice warm bath, with some nice herbal bath salts. Light candles all around the tub. Put on a really nice CD – something happy but soothing. (I’m working on a PMS mix – I’ll let you know as soon as it’s done. In the meantime, if you have a Colin Hay CD, you can use that.) Sit a warm cup of cocoa and her book on a little table beside the tub, or on the sink or the toilet seat, whatever…

Then take her by the hand (and this is the hard part, because she is going to resist…) and lead her to the bathroom and show her what you’ve prepared for her.

At that point, she will say something like “Awwww…” or “This is so nice..” or “Cocoa? You made me cocoa?” And she will slip into that nice warm bath, and listen to the great mix that you’ve made for her (it’s coming, I promise), and read her book for an hour.

And when she’s done, she will feel better.

Now, isn’t that better than asking “Are you getting your period?”

Category: Considerations

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